Research & Innovation at the Intersection of Blockchain & Climate Action
The COP23 side event was hosted by Liechtenstein and INFRAS. International experts from the Climate and IT world discussed opportunities of using distributed ledger technology in order to accelerate Paris Agreement implementation. The discussion featured an update on research activities, a demonstration of the first concrete CLI use cases and more examples and experiences from using blockchain technology in climate action.
Read a summary of the event by daily planet here
The whole event was recorded, watch it here
The Panel of speakers included:
- Panagiotis Potolidis–Beck (Office for Foreign Affairs, Liechtenstein)
- Philipp Ischer (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland)
- Sven Braden (LIFE Climate Foundation, presentation on CLI Blockchain and Climate)
- Nick Beglinger (Cleantech 21, presentation of a CLI Overview)
- Riyong Kim Bakkegaard (Climate-KiC, presentation on Supporting CLI Use Cases)
- Jürg Füssler (INFRAS, presentation on CLI Research)
- Oonagh Fitzgerald (Centre for International Governance Innovation, presentation on Governance in Blockchain Networks)
- Anton Galenovich and Sergei Lonshakov (DAO IPCI, presentation on Blockchain Ecosystem for Carbon Markets)
- Alexandre Gellert Paris (UNFCCC Secretariat, presentation on Blockchain for Climate Action)
The event took place at COP 23, Monday 6th November 2017, 16:45 – 18:15, Meeting Room 7, Bonn (find the event flyer here).