The CLI is governed by three bodies ensuring strategy, delivery, and expertise of the CLI.
1. Steering Committee
2. Programme Management Group
3. Expert Committee
Members of the Programme Management Group
Jürg Füssler, Managing Partner, INFRAS

Jürg is an international expert in climate change mitigation and adaptation. He is Managing Partner and Member of the Board of Directors of the INFRAS research and consultancy group. He has many years of experience in advising utilities, industry, governments, and international financial institutions in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Central and South-East Asia, India, and China on the risks and opportunities of climate change. From 2006 to 2013 he was a member of the UNFCCC CDM Executive Board’s Methodological Panel. Jürg also worked from 2008 to 2009 as Senior Carbon Originator at Swiss Re’s Emissions Desk in London. He holds a master’s degree in physics from ETH Zurich, and a PhD in climate change research.
Owen Hewlett, CTO, the Gold Standard Foundation

Owen Hewlett Owen Hewlett is Chief Technical Officer at the Gold Standard Foundation and leads Gold Standard's digitalisation
efforts. As CTO, Owen is
responsible for the development of all innovations, standards, methodologies
and tools. Owen led work on the pioneering 'Gold Standard for the
Global Goals', a first-of-its-kind impact standard focused on the Sustainable
Development Goals. He was also technical lead on the Climate Ledger
Initiative’s 'Next Generation MRV' approaches which combine new technologies
with major innovations in the carbon and finance markets and in corporate reporting.
Rocío García, CLI Programme Manager, Peru

Rocío García is
Programme Manager for the Climate Ledger Initiative and Project Lead for the
Wood Tracking Protocol. She is an independent consultant working on climate
finance, climate strategy and policy, and carbon markets. Rocio was technical lead
on climate finance for SouthSouthNorth, having previously headed up Vivid
Economic's office in Peru and acted as local project manager for various
projects on climate finance, cities and infrastructure, climate strategy, and
natural resources. Rocío worked for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of
Peru from 2012 to 2016 as Coordinator of the Climate Change Technical Unit. Part
of her job was to act as lead negotiator on market issues in UNFCCC.
Anik Kohli, Senior Project Manager, INFRAS

Anik Kohli is Senior Project Manager at INFRAS, working in the areas of environment, development and energy. She primarily focuses on national and international environment and climate policy as well as sustainable development. For five years, she worked at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) in the International Affairs Division. There, she was responsible for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Before, she had worked, among others, for the Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations in New York (US). She obtained her LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law at the University of Edinburgh (GB). At the University of Zurich (CH), she completed her Master of Arts in Political Science, Management and Economics as well as Environmental Sciences.
Special advisor & initiator
Nick Beglinger, CEO, Foundation Cleantech21

Nick is Co-Founder and CEO of the Zurich-based Cleantech21 foundation (C21). His professional focus area is sustainable development at the crossroads of finance, innovation, and regulation. He addresses competitiveness issues in the light of emission reduction targets and carbon pricing. Between late 2009 and early 2016, Nick acted as the first president of the Swiss business association swisscleantech and thereby shaped the country’s climate and energy policy. Prior to C21, Nick headed Maxmakers’ three year engagement with the Government of Abu Dhabi for the Masdar Project (2007-2009) and worked with McKinsey. Nick holds Master's degrees in Economics and Management from the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS / HEC).